Green Bottle | Case Study
Product | Green Bottle
Task | Design a responsive website
Team Size | One
Role | Product Designer (UX/UI)
Project Background | Green Bottle is a bottle reuse company based in New Zealand. Combining state of the art bottle processing facilities with a commitment to providing Change for Good, they are set to launch in the city of Auckland late in 2023, retrieving used glass bottles, processing in their bottle wash facility, and returning to drink manufacturers to be filled and used all over again. The website is likely to be a place where interested parties will land, be it consumers, manufacturers, retailers, or governing bodies. Without an accessible, informative, attractive website, which might be accessed via phone, tablet, or computer, there is a risk that potential users will not be sufficiently informed and onboarded. This project sets out to design a ready for build prototype addressing these concerns and helping Green Bottle stand out as an important initiative to get behind.
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